Destroying a Terraform Infrastructure

The terraform destroy command removes all resources from the cluster configuration. You should only destroy a cluster’s Terraform infrastructure when you no longer need to run your project on that cluster. To destroy the Terraform infrastructure, click Plan destroy.

If you’re sure you want to destroy the current Terraform infrastructure, click the Destroy button to confirm.

See Destroy Infrastructure for more information.

Deleting a Cluster

To delete a cluster, you have to destroy the Terraform infrastructure first. Go to All Configs and click the Delete button.

Using Custom Repositories

You can add and remove individual Terraform repositories in the bastion. Each repository contains one or more modules that can be used to instantiate a cluster. Use the following command to list the current repositories:

genvid-clusters module-list

Use the following command to add a new module:

genvid-clusters module-add -u {URL} {name}
  • {URL} can be any source compatible with go-getter, including local files.

  • {name} is the destination folder to this repository on your bastion.

After the URL is cloned in the bastion repository, it will be available as a source under modules/module. See Terraform’s Module Configuration for more details on using modules.

Bastion remembers the origin of each module, so you can update them using the following command:

genvid-clusters module-update [name]

The name is optional. If you don’t provide a name, it will update all repositories.

You can remove a module using the following command:

genvid-clusters module-remove {name}

See also


Genvid Cluster-Management script documentation.

Bastion API for Terraform

Bastion API for Terraform.

Terraform’s Module Configuration

Documentation of Modules on Terraform.


A library for fetching URL in Go.